Order Delivery

FAQ on the Order picking up and delivering

What if there is no coverage at the area of the Order submitted?

The Order will be waiting in the queue for 15 mins. trying to catch Courier , however it will be closed by Shgardi's support team in case there is no Courier accepts it.

Is there any chance to decline the Order from the Courier's side? if yes, when it could be?

Yes, the Courier can freely decline the Order from his/her side at any state of it right before the picking up. however, the Order will NOT be cancelled so that any other Courier can accept it.

Can the Courier decline the Order while delivering it?

In very rare situations ( such as any urgent incidents could happen to the Courier) the Courier can only decline the Order at this step through Shgardi Support Team, in order to arrange another courier to pickup the ready Order from him.

How can the System manage ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)?

Currently, Shgardi System doesn't consider this estimated factor, however our team is working on it.

Last updated